we get it. email addresses change. to update the email associated with your joy shave account, go to “my account info”.
find the profile section and click “edit”.
replace the text in the “email address” field with your current email address.
click the “update details” button to save.
how do I update my password?
new password? fun stuff. to update your joy shave password, go to “my account info”.
find the “profile” section and click “edit”.
type in your new password in the “password” and “confirm password” field. then, type your old password in the “current password” field.
click the “update details” button to save. now see how long you can remember this one.
how long does a joy blade last?
we typically recommend that you change your blades every other week if you shave a few times a week. however, it does depend on how often you’re shaving. if your shave is no longer comfortable, it’s time for a fresh start (with the refills, of course).
are used joy blades and handles recyclable?
yes! joy partners with TerraCycle to collect and recycle blades and razors. through the program, you can recycle your used joy blades and razors! you can collect blades and razors at home and mail directly to TerraCycle for recycling or drop off at a public collection bin near you. to learn more and get started, click here.